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bringbackhotd • 2 years ago

Yeah i’m not too fond of the Hashira

AceX_Zoro • 2 years ago

i mean they've been fighting demons their entire lives so it makes sense
this is the first time theyve heard about some good demon
i wouldve wanted to smoke nezuko too but the fact that they cant tell good from bad demons shows that theyre not elite elite

daddy • 2 years ago

Close minded hoes

KKK • 2 years ago

chill wtf

Yo Shindo II • 2 years ago

What a retarded dumbass. The only one who's close minded here is you for judging them instantly despite the context behind their actions and thinking.

Go be stupid elsewhere you idiot.

Xandiel • 2 years ago

As far as introductions go, this was spectacular in making me hate most of them and hoping they get killed. Not sure if that was the intended effect but there we go.

Guest • 1 year ago
TheAnimeDiscussor • 1 year ago

I hate u

Bleh • 2 years ago

Holyshit, i have never been so pissed before. I hate that dumb gorilla who stabbed Nezuko over and over. Almost all of the members of that team are evil...

Ankith Nair • 2 years ago

you a snowflake or what?

Richard Uherka • 2 years ago

One might suggest you look in a mirror. I agree with this person's comment. The Hashira have spent so much time killing demons yet it never occurred to any of them that some demons might fight their nature? IMHO this shows they are nearly all heartless. Nietzsche: “He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster."

Porthya • 1 year ago

Tbh, you are criticising the hashira's attitude from the angle of a person a whole century ahead of them, who's also had the opportunities of extensive education, including in Philosophy.
Most of the Hashira have peasant, poor or secluded socio-cultural roots and only know essential reading and writing in Japanese as well as basic Maths. Shinobu's education includes Pharmacology and Medical studies, but that's because her own family already had some background in it.
Also, did it occur to you that their extreme behaviour could be owed to what we now call PTSD or PTSS? Or it's them lashing out at strangers as an easier way to cope with issues much closer to home they can't solve without self-destroying or becoming murderers, instead of slayers?! Sure, that makes them rather hypocritical, to an extent, but as good as they are as fighters, you can't expect them to be perfect or spotless as humans, especially when their personal experience might've had some of them having to turn against family of their own to survive, family they'd once adored.
My only issue with them was that later on they're all hailed as extremely respectful of their leader, yet they were shown to dismiss his importance greatly( earlier, before he made his entrance), in spite of all of them being gathered in his own home.

ivan Schweizer • 2 years ago

Except Nezuko is different from all the others, she doesn't need blood unlike other demons. So of course it didn't occur to them

Richard Uherka • 2 years ago

I don't see that your comment changes anything. All of the demons are aberrations. We even met a demon who only takes blood from willing victims and does them no harm. They seem to quickly forget this subplot where she suggests our MC try to get the blood of the demons closest to the master demon in the hopes she can find a cure for Nezuko.

Porthya • 1 year ago

Except they're not willing victims, they're blood bank donors, as far as they're told, and Tamayo's medical practice makes it perfectly believable.
And I'm not sure who are these "they" forgetting the demon blood subplot. In story only Tamayo, Yushiro, Tanjiro and maybe Nezuko(though it's hard to tell what goes on in her fogged by fugue head) know about their agreement. Oyakata-sama knows about her existence and her encounter with the siblings, since his ancestors learned about her existence and they likely discreetly kept track of her movements throughout the ages; and he still kept it a secret, because the slayer elites who once upon a time found out about her and the circumstances of her discovery almost tore the Corps to shreds with their split opinions. He only now, with Tanjiro and Nezuko's growing influence, has the chance to bring everyone around to some willingness to cooperate with certain demons, since common knowledge has also greatly advanced since the Sengoku Era.

Also, if you meant other viewers by "they", Tamayo and Yushiro's circumstances are different, she's had centuries to work on her abstinence, and she's worked on training Yushiro similarly for at least some decades...and they do feed on human blood. But the hashira don't even know that Tamayo exists, yet. So viewers who disregard Tamayo and Yushiro's influence over the hashira's current reactions do that because said influence is non-existent at this point.

Richard Uherka • 1 year ago

"They" was a reference to the watchers who are acting like the subplot didn't happen I think. Been a bit since I watched this series and wrote comments. I will still argue that Tamayo's "victims" are willingly donating blood even if they don't know what's really happening to it. He found a way to get the blood he needs to survive without harming anyone. Also I'm not being critical of the Hashira other than pointing out their one flaw we know about - that being their obsession with killing every demon they encounter regardless of circumstances. To a point it's understandable all things considered, but they should and need to see beyond their narrow-minded views.

Porthya • 1 year ago

Tamayo doesn't make "victims" through the donations, victims are targets of actual aggression, of a form of violence that negatively affects one's physical or mental health, they're not people safely giving away something they can spare; please don't butcher language, we need it to communicate. And, to be "willingly" doing something, it takes being aware of what you're doing in the first place. They are aware they're donating blood, they aren't aware that part of that blood is treated as food, plain and simple. That's why they can be referred to as donors, patients, patrons, but they are not victims by any stretch of the meaning. Using such strong terms affects the character assessment.

Also, you're speaking too soon about the hashira, they are not narrow-minded at all, and the situation we both witnessed in S2, as even you admitted in a different post, proved that plentifully. They predicted her breaking point and it was pure luck that it didn't prove them fully right in being overly cautious. They weren't trying to slay Nezuko for the lulz, but because they feared her self-preservation instincts kicking in when they can't be around or are too busy to protect the humans from her. And that almost came to happen

They are harsh, extremely harsh, some are brash too, but not narrow-minded. If they were narrow minded, the master would need to contradict them further and could still fail in the long run, but it was enough to point out that the scales are even regarding the potential outcomes and he asked them to be generous and optimistic. Which they accepted, in spite of their personal and professional experience screaming at them that hell might freeze over before Nezuko is to be trusted in not harming humans.

ivan Schweizer • 2 years ago

They never forgot, he wasn't exactly in any condition to take blood the last time though. And what they didn't believe was that she didn't need human blood, cause Nezuko is the only one we've seen who didn't.

Richard Uherka • 2 years ago

I don't think that it's not that she doesn't need blood; she just doesn't want it so she found an alternate way to recover. I'm watching season 2 "entertainment district" and again there she almost goes to town on people for their blood until her bro stops her.

Porthya • 1 year ago

And that almost proved the hashira right.They were simply lucky that Tanjiro was still conscious and relatively fit to stop her till he found the other solution(she pretty much attacked him too), and that they had reinforcements to deal with the Moons while Tanjiro calmed her down

ivan Schweizer • 2 years ago

She clearly does want it, she just resists the urge but also not needing the blood helps

Michelle • 2 years ago

why would they delete the comments i really love some of the theories that people usually leaves here

Warrior of Sunlight • 2 years ago

Because they are scum who do not follow the rules of the Internet.

Shadow • 2 years ago

Wouldn't it be because they need to free up space? Otherwise how are they gonna store all that comments?

Warrior of Sunlight • 2 years ago

They shouldn't have designed a comment system that can't handles storing enough comments, and taken over other comment sections...

James Murphy • 2 years ago

Yes, they'll just get on to making a storage system with literallimitless space inside >: ]

Warrior of Sunlight • 2 years ago

Humanity is getting dumber by the second... Soon they will say that a gigabyte is an impossible amount of bytes...

James Murphy • 2 years ago

Bro, we're already on the Terabyte -.- You're the one dropping the total IQ points here.

Warrior of Sunlight • 2 years ago

I know, but soon people will forget about basic things like that. Because apparently you think an infinite amount of space is needed to store comments.

I keep seeing weird comments that make no sense. And everyone is so over confident about their madness.

James Murphy • 2 years ago

To store an infinite amount of comments you need an equally infinite amount of space. It makes perfect sense O.o No matter how big or numerous the byte is it'll always take up space in order to store information on it. You're the one not making sense here so I'm ducking out of this silliness :)

Warrior of Sunlight • 2 years ago

You are the one who made up the infinite amount of space requirement for storing a number of comments that is certainly less than infinite terabytes.
I never said anything as stupid as that. I don't know why you are defending this mass-erasing of comments, and believing that an infinity is needed.
Other websites didn't need to do that.

カヒルオ • 2 years ago

God i never seen a person be so confident, yet keep saying dumb things. You can't even detect sarcasm

Warrior of Sunlight • 2 years ago

Apparently your definition of detecting sarcasm involves always assuming that any comment could be sarcasm and ignoring stupid comments because it might be sarcasm...
People constantly say stupid things and in text form you can't tell if it's sarcasm. There is no limit to human stupidity, so you can't just assume that it's sarcasm.

Yo Shindo II • 2 years ago

Imagine being this confidently stupid, the reason why every comment was deleted because Gogoanime had to change domains, in case you're too retarded to even know, most animes in this website are pirated.

You really are insanely stupid, how young are you exactl or did you just grow up to be stupid?

OGkana • 1 year ago

your personality is toxic as fuck

Warrior of Sunlight • 1 year ago

I am not toxic for not liking the idea of a messaging system taking over in a lot of places and then deleting all comments periodically.

SarenAreth • 1 year ago

It costs money to run these services that provides free illegal anime for us. It probably also costs money to store comments. They could've also just not place a comment section and only upload the anime :3 I'm happy we can watch anime and converse, even though it's gonna be wiped again in years time.

Kai • 1 year ago

They shifted servers from .tv to .gg

Ru • 2 years ago

The master is such an enigmatic character

leviiaotic • 1 year ago

Bro I think the master might be Muzan's twin brother or just a sibling of his since I find them very similar in terms of appearances. Also, love love loveee the Master as well as the Hashiras!!!

KhanX • 2 years ago

7:26 angry box nezuko is best nezuko

Shin Wolford • 2 years ago

The Master seems suspicious like Captain Vangeance from black clover. They kinda look alike

Simple Goat • 2 years ago


Porthya • 1 year ago

He only sounds suspicious cause he shares VA with FFVII's Sephiroth.🤣 He has very little in common with William, beyond being a disfigured bishounen.

saeed almazrouie • 2 years ago

i guess im the first one to comment ?

Memo ✨ • 2 years ago

All previous comments got deleted lol

TITANCONSUMER • 2 years ago

And to think that Sanemi's blood is the rarest of the rare, and she endured

Jerr Dis • 1 year ago

daamn, really? I'm assuming you read the manga so is it true?

TITANCONSUMER • 1 year ago

Yea, the manga is fire you should read it too!

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 2 years ago

Nice :3